EMI Environmental Group, Inc. (EMI) and it's engineering teaming partner SCS Consulting Engineers, have been engaged by a nationally recognized apartment developer for an important and highly visible project near downtown Dallas. The objective is to design and conduct environmental and engineering studies needed to determine the feasibility of developing a modern multi-family use over an historic fill area located in the Old Trinity River flood plain zone. The site's eventual development is anticipated to require City and State approval of a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) application and a Subchapter "T" Development Permit. The Texas legislature passed the MSD Program in 2000 specifically for the purpose of allowing development of historic sites such as Brownfield locations to be developed without unnecessary cleanup and remediation expense.
The entire pre-development process is anticipated to take approximately 5 months. EMI will be responsible for overall project management and the environmental studies needed to support the MSD and Remedy B Response Action approvals by the City and the TCEQ. SCS is responsible for the engineering, soil stability, foundation and structural determinations, and other investigations needed to support the Subchapter "T" TCEQ Permit approvals. The project has extensive political and community support components as both Public Hearings and Dallas City Council approvals are required.